William Alexander

Welcome to my personal page! Currently, I work for a biotechnology company as a software engineer. Previously, I worked for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Before that, I worked on image recognition AI and hardware development at a J & J department, where I co-patented a device and method for detecting oral disease. You can download a short version of my Resume here.


During college, I majored in electrical engineering at the University of Illinois and started an analytics company, which predicted Brexit, the 2016 U.S. Election, and the 2015 Chicago Mayoral Election. My cofounder went on to start FirstIgnite, a YC startup which also uses machine learning, but in the patent space. 


Drop me a message at william@williamw.co if you want to talk or hire me to do some contract work. I'd like to hear what you've got going on, whether it's hardware, software, medical technology, taxes, law, finance, cooking, chess, or anything worth an afternoon chat. On the other side of the table, I'm open to making warm intros to help people get better jobs.

Since a lot of the work I do with companies is proprietary, I made some easy to follow tutorials. Click on any of the projects above to see them. I also have some interesting stock trading algorithms, but due to the risk of that being construed as financial/investment advice, it's not on a public repo, though I'm happy to share this work over a video call

Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow.

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